Getöseföhn - a solo project by Rica Pinu

...Await anything. Tune your Trommelfell inside and forget about intonation. At the edge of a crater between explosions, lava und was im Innersten zusammenhält :: zerfällt.

Gegenargumente Hamburg

...Lohnarbeit als legale Körperverletzung „Man kann einem Stahlarbeiter durch Lohnzulagen ein Stück seiner Lunge abkaufen."

Gegenargumente Hamburg

Bistu Ryx & Arepabahn

...Bistu Ryx is experimenting with SHAMANIC NOISE (Shamanic Electronics Noise) since 1997, and is engaged in anthropological research into the sound and deconstruction of artificial images.


...Carlos Andres Rico (aka Arepabahn) unite in his productions futuristic sounds with different traditions of the world. His live sets are cosmic and danceable, and moves from ritual music to electric experimental sounds.


Komplize @ the decks in Bremen

Schwall deejay @ the decks in Hamburg